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نویسنده موضوع: لیست انواع سخت افزارها و لپتاب ها و ... سازگار با ubuntu  (دفعات بازدید: 2140 بار)

0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال مشاهده موضوع.

آفلاین alieblice

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  • ارسال: 1275
سلام دوستان

شرکت canonical برای اولین بار لیست تمام سخت افزار ها و لپتاب ها ... و هر چیزه دیگری که با ubuntu سازگار بوده  رو به صورت برند اعلام کرده  
توجه داشته باشید که فقط اون هایی که تست شدن این جا ذکر شده و ممکن است این سازگاری فقط در حد نصب کردن باشد

برای دیدن لیست به این جا برید :


اصل خبر

LONDON, February 10, 2011 — Canonical today announced that for the first time it was making publicly available its complete database of certified components for Ubuntu and Linux — rapidly reducing the the time-to-market for Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs) working on Ubuntu or Linux machines.

The catalogue gives ODMs a selection of over 1300 certified components from 161 manufacturers, making it the largest list of Linux-compatible components available. It takes advantage of Canonical’s position at the heart of the server and PC industry, which enables the company to get components first as it deals globally with a huge range of manufacturers.

“There has not been a comprehensive, up-to-date freely available catalog like this for a long time,” said Victor Palau, Platform Services Manager at Canonical. “By making this open and easily searchable we want to speed the component selection for Ubuntu machines, and allow us and our partner manufacturers to focus on the value-added user experience.”

With this database, corporate buyers can specify the design of their Ubuntu desktops or servers from manufacturers much more efficiently. Individuals can be sure that the key components of the machine they are considering will work with their preferred Ubuntu or Linux distribution. The PC and server industry will also have a simple single source to publicize the work that they do in certifying Linux components and making that knowledge freely available.

The database is available at http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog.

It builds on the work that the Ubuntu project has already done to list certified machines across the range of active releases of Ubuntu.

Certified complete machines can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/certification

منبع : http://www.canonical.com/content/canonical-releases-world%E2%80%99s-most-comprehensive-date-component-catalog-linux

آفلاین parsaz

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  • ارسال: 124
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