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لینک اصلی مرجع:
Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) PDF Guide
October 26, 2012 · Free Books
This 143 Page guide will cover the basics of Ubuntu 12.10 (such as installation and working with the desktop) as well as guide you through some of the most popular applications.
Getting Started with Ubuntu 12.10 is not intended to be a comprehensive Ubuntu instruction manual.
It is more like a quick start guide that will get you doing the things you need to do with your computer quickly and easily, without getting bogged down with all the technical details.
Ubuntu 12.10 incorporates many new features including a new kernel supporting newer graphic cards, updates to the Update Manager, and full-disk encryption, to name just a few.
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برای نمونه از بخشی از یک صفحه کتاب عکس زیر را گرفتم با یک مقدمه از صفحه قبل آن
We begin our discussion of the Ubuntu file system structure at the top,
also known as the root directory—as denoted by /. root directory con-
tains all other directories and files on your system. Below the root directory
are the following essential directories: