سازنده اش بهم این جواب و داده
OMG, I can't believe that there is no proper documentation to use utorrent server for Linux! A newbie like me using Ubuntu will have no idea to launch it. So, here goes: UT for dummies.
1. Download utorrent to your home folder. Right click the downloaded file (Eg:utorrent-server-3.0-25053.tar.gz), click 'Extract here'
2. You will get a folder called utorrent-server-v3_0 in the same folder as the downloaded file. Open the folder.
3. Right click the file 'utserver' and make it executable by following this step .. right click on utserver > properties > permissions > add tick on Allow executing file as program > close it
4. Run the file 'utserver' by double clicking it.
5. Nothing happens. It's alright. utserver is running as a background program.
6- open your browser like firefox , chrome , opera ... etc
7- type in URL :
http://localhost:8080/gui/ 8- username: admin
no password
9. You got the utorrent web interface, right? Hope this guide was simple enough...
P.S. Utorrent devs: Please integrate a simple doc of this sort that ppl can understand easily.
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