سلام به همگي.
من براي دريافت رايگان اين cd اوبونتو رفتم و توي shipit ثبت نام كردم.حالا بعد از 3 -4 روز ميزنه:
Shipped/Cancelled requests
1 CDs requested on 2008-10-24. 1 CDs were approved and sent to the shipping company on 2008-11-03. Please note requests usually take from 4 to 6 weeks to deliver, depending on the country of shipping.
We can send you a CD free of charge, but it will take from six to ten weeks to deliver, so you may prefer to download the CD image and record it yourself
ميخواستم بدونم اين يعني چه؟يعني درخواستم رد شده يا نه؟اگه رد چرا؟چرا نوشته Shipped/Cancelled requests ؟
دوباره از اول سفارش بدم؟
يا اصلا بايد همين جوري باشه؟