انجمن‌های فارسی اوبونتو

لطفاً به انجمن‌ها وارد شده و یا جهت ورود ثبت‌نام نمائید

لطفاً جهت ورود نام کاربری و رمز عبورتان را وارد نمائید

نویسنده موضوع: جواب رسمی به قانون انجمن که مربوط به نرم‌افزارهای غیرآزاد هست.  (دفعات بازدید: 2144 بار)

0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال مشاهده موضوع.

آفلاین سلمان م.

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 4106
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • GNU Operating System - سیستم عامل گنو
سلام دوستان عزیز، بخاطر مسایلی که در این تاپیک پیش‌اومده بود، برآن شدیم که نظر رسمی «شورای جامعه‌های کاربری اوبونتو» (Ubuntu LoCo Council) رو بپرسیم.

برای همین اول از همه توی IRC پرسیدیم، که این جواب رو گرفتیم:
<akfoss> Hi. I am a member of the Iranian Ubuntu Team. It has been a long time
that in our forum, http://forum.ubuntu.ir, we have a rule that some
users have objections about it. "The Iranian Ubuntu Forum does not
accept topics those encourage users to use proprietary software and
may lock, move, edit, or delete them. Comparing free and proprietary
software is accepted". All Iranian Ubuntu Team members agree with
this rule but some forum users  [13:27]
<akfoss> do not. Some forum users say: "this is the Ubunu forum not the GNU
forum" and we should change that rule. Here is my question, can we
have that rule? or we must change it.
<nhaines> akfoss: Hello!  There is definitely no restriction against dicussing
  proprietary software, and it's an unfortunate truth that sometimes
  there is no good Free or Open Source software alternative available.
<nhaines> Free Software stands alone on its merits, not just its license.
  There is no reason that this rule should stand if the forum
  administrators want to change it.  [13:31]
<nhaines> My advice is that if your LoCo members find the rule restrictive and
  want it to be removed, you should consider doing so.  It would be
  very bad if LoCo members went elsewhere because they couldn't
  discuss software freely.  [13:32]
<akfoss> We do not want to change it. Some forum users say that we do not that
right to have our own rules and we must follow guidelines of
ubuntuforums.org or other similar sites
<akfoss> all LoCo members agree with that rule.  [13:33]
<nhaines> Then you should decide if the forum is mainly to support LoCo
  members, or if it might be better to be a focal point for other
  Persian speakers.  Maybe an off-topic forum would allow discussion
  of proprietary software.  And maybe running one or two proprietary
  programs on top of Ubuntu would allow someone to switch.
<nhaines> But it looks like these forums are separate from the Ubuntu Forums,
  and therefore the rules are yours to set.
<nhaines> It definitely makes sense to have the main focus of an Ubuntu forum
  center on Free and Open Source Software.  But even Ubuntu ships with
  proprietary drivers and firmware.  So do your best to consider all
  points of view and ways that you can make the forum most useful for
  your community.  [13:39]
<akfoss> Thanks nhaines.   [13:40]
<nhaines> My pleasure.  If you need an official statement, please send an
  email.  Either way, I wish the Iranian Ubuntu Team all the best.  :)
<nhaines> You can email us if needed at loco-council@lists.ubuntu.com  [13:42]
<akfoss> :) I'll email right now to be reference for other LoCos.  [13:45]

و بعد از طریق رایانامه این رو پرسیدیم تا به صورت رسمی جواب رو بگیریم.

Hi. I am a member of the Iranian Ubuntu Team. It has been a long time that in our forum, http://forum.ubuntu.ir, we have a rule that some users have objections about it.

"The Iranian Ubuntu Forum does not accept topics those encourage users to use proprietary software and may lock, move, edit, or delete them. Comparing free and proprietary software is accepted".

All Iranian Ubuntu LoCo members agree with it but some forum users do not. They say: "this is the Ubuntu forum, not the GNU forum and you should change that rule".  Their objection is based on the idea that this is the official LoCo forum and because of that we may not exclude non-free software available either in Ubuntu repos or outside of it.

Here is my question, can we have our own rules or we must follow the guidelines of the main English forums like ubuntuforums.org, etc.


که این جواب رو گرفتیم:
Hi Salman! Yes, that is a really good question... :)

Reading the wiki, "must follow the official forum guidelines when posting". Reading those rules, I didn't find anything about your issue, then from my personal point of view, if all the LoCo members want a coherent way, I think that's it's a right way.

More opinions, please? Could this a better question for the Forum Council?

Best regards and thanks for your concern Salman!

« آخرین ویرایش: 26 آذر 1393، 12:27 ب‌ظ توسط سلمان م. »

آفلاین ali.abry

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 1224
طبق تجربه من که از سال 88 تو این فروم هستم , این طور بحث ها تا 95 درصد اوقات به جایی نمیرسه و اگرم جوابی از طرف مدیرای اصلی (همون بنیان گذار ها) داده بشه , جوابی سطهی و در حد اعلام وجود داشتن هستش.

اخرین باری که بحث ها این قدر جدی بود منجر به ایجاد http://fsforums.ir/ شد که اونم متاسفانه به خاطر مشکلاتی که وجود داشت به جایی نتونست برسه .

در کل تا موقعی که مشکل مدیریت حل نشه مشکل قوانین حل نمیشه.

آفلاین jackshepherd

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 1522
  • جنسیت : پسر
برای من سواله که چرا برخی از کاربرا اصرار به عوض کردن مدیران دارند.؟ایا واسه مدیر حقوق و مزایای خاصی در نظر گرفته میشه.؟به هر حال فرد یا افرادی که قوانین انجمن رو نوشتند, می دونستند چی دارند می نویسند.قوانینی نوشتند که برای چندین سال می تونه دست نخورده بمونه.باز هم میگم منظور من حمایت یا توجیه نیست بلکه منطقی فکر کردنه.هر تغییری لزوما به معنای بهتر شدن نیست.
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