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لطفاً جهت ورود نام کاربری و رمز عبورتان را وارد نمائید

نویسنده موضوع: مشکل در تور  (دفعات بازدید: 2012 بار)

0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال مشاهده موضوع.

آفلاین yare

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  • ارسال: 15
    • php
مشکل در تور
« : 03 تیر 1398، 09:58 ب‌ظ »
سلام تور من از کار افتاده، پل هم که اضافه میکنم هیچ کاری انجام نمیده.

کار خاصی هم انجام ندادم، برای بررسی اگه دستوری دارید بگید تا خروجی رو بزارم.


آفلاین msajadi832

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پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #1 : 03 تیر 1398، 10:53 ب‌ظ »
سلام. لطفا نتیجه این دستور رو بزارید
journalctl -exfu tor
در ضمن با استفاده از دستور بالا می تونید وضعیت سرویس تور رو بررسی کنید

آفلاین رسول سعیدنژاد

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 3501
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • علی (ع): زَكَاةُ الْعِلْمِ نَشْرُه
پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #2 : 03 تیر 1398، 11:25 ب‌ظ »
امروز تور به مشکل خورده.
ولی با پل حل می‌شه. من الان خودم با پل وصلم. روی گوشی یه کم اذیت می‌کنه که اونم البته به زور وصل می‌شه.
اگه کانفیگ پل رو درست انجام می‌دی، منطقاً باید وصل بشه.
نرم افزار، یک ابزاره. برای رسیدن به هدف ازش استفاده کنید. نرم افزار هدف شما نیست :) - آزادی، بزرگ‌ترین دروغ بشریت

آفلاین nino

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    • Gitlab
پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #3 : 04 تیر 1398، 08:39 ق‌ظ »
برای من هم تقریبا از دیروز ظهر وصل نمیشه و tor browser هم خیلی دیر وصل میشه (تقریبا ده بیست دقیقه ای طول می کشه).
مشکل از خود tor می تونه باشه یا این که از این سمت براش مشکلی درست کردن؟

آفلاین beautilinux

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پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #4 : 04 تیر 1398، 09:09 ق‌ظ »
از سرویس تور استفاده کنین

آفلاین amircb

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پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #5 : 04 تیر 1398، 09:27 ق‌ظ »
برای من هم جدیدا وصل نمیشه هیچی را تغییر ندادم فقط پل اضافه کردم
این تنظیمات پلهاست:
UseBridges 1
ClientTransportPlugin obfs4 exec /usr/bin/obfs4proxy
Bridge obfs4 D2C9AFBCEABF04A5FF3F3B6AAA0D52A1E8357AB1 cert=AiDY/u8eBYlFtSSNhDP2jGXqh5E0NbqLoOXnTdA7dGgVA3vKBmIzYBfchnkPxNvn3yWyBw iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 EF870A94B09A90C3C5E3BD6115C33635CDE5D100 cert=u/Q/4VXrf6SbGbBMyApndlDdRh8DWa4HYM6ijjeEI60ZZbfFzcpULJ/VlXxM0o/elsfxEg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 EF432018A6AA5D970B2F84E39CD30A147030141C cert=7GnRRsAhAH2qq+GZcM/ZNbeAFlA3FrhwDbZgrPMnPujO5iuz6+vT161bAT4pHCqh+7bfPg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 D0FFB9C29F560C5E2E1C0EC1B76F9238D49577A0 cert=MiQ2BRkYluTOSC8uDBgBnvaV9uYDno0pt7ngTm9+Z28HCcmxo5OMBbjTdYHyPhY6H/dsHw iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 EF432018A6AA5D970B2F84E39CD30A147030141C cert=7GnRRsAhAH2qq+GZcM/ZNbeAFlA3FrhwDbZgrPMnPujO5iuz6+vT161bAT4pHCqh+7bfPg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 EF432018A6AA5D970B2F84E39CD30A147030141C cert=7GnRRsAhAH2qq+GZcM/ZNbeAFlA3FrhwDbZgrPMnPujO5iuz6+vT161bAT4pHCqh+7bfPg iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 CC9BE506C0D5B56AD9665647C92A0A67498237A1 cert=Xe95BiKGh5C/yMhxtmtmEaUqxFORau0RcD1rhReasYRnItSFFtSyD/lqHYknUvbR1j7TQw iat-mode=0
Bridge obfs4 2EAF74E25F5CF95CDB65A3C20FFFB6B95F72D0E9 cert=TN8s0sRP7lKcwTlsvJi1OlVEKrW5mp8rL+IyaaRdltJgww/ORwWfGEhENZv6F+Hka0ROOw iat-mode=0
ااینم خروجی دستور journalctl -exfu torJun 25 09:00:10 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Opening Control listener on /run/tor/control
Jun 25 09:00:10 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Opened Control listener on /run/tor/control
Jun 25 09:00:10 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 5%: Connecting to directory server
Jun 25 09:00:10 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server
Jun 25 09:00:10 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:00:11 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:00:12 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 15%: Establishing an encrypted directory connection
Jun 25 09:00:12 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 20%: Asking for networkstatus consensus
Jun 25 09:00:12 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: new bridge descriptor '3rdrelayofnapoleon' (fresh): $EF432018A6AA5D970B2F84E39CD30A147030141C~3rdrelayofnapoleon at
Jun 25 09:00:12 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:00:13 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: new bridge descriptor 'Unnamed' (fresh): $CC9BE506C0D5B56AD9665647C92A0A67498237A1~Unnamed at
Jun 25 09:00:13 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 25%: Loading networkstatus consensus
Jun 25 09:00:14 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:00:15 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: I learned some more directory information, but not enough to build a circuit: We're missing descriptors for 1/2 of our primary entry guards (total microdescriptors: 5319/6348).
Jun 25 09:00:15 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Ignoring directory request, since no bridge nodes are available yet.
Jun 25 09:00:15 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Bootstrapped 50%: Loading relay descriptors
Jun 25 09:02:22 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:02:22 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")
Jun 25 09:02:22 nobody.invalid Tor[16378]: Proxy Client: unable to connect to ("general SOCKS server failure")

آفلاین رسول سعیدنژاد

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 3501
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • علی (ع): زَكَاةُ الْعِلْمِ نَشْرُه
پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #6 : 04 تیر 1398، 11:14 ق‌ظ »
از سرویس تور استفاده کنین

تور، توره دیگه فرقی نداره.
سرویس تور هم الان بدون پل وصل نمی‌شه.
نرم افزار، یک ابزاره. برای رسیدن به هدف ازش استفاده کنید. نرم افزار هدف شما نیست :) - آزادی، بزرگ‌ترین دروغ بشریت

آفلاین yare

  • Newbie
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  • ارسال: 15
    • php
پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #7 : 04 تیر 1398، 01:31 ب‌ظ »
سلام. لطفا نتیجه این دستور رو بزارید
journalctl -exfu tor
در ضمن با استفاده از دستور بالا می تونید وضعیت سرویس تور رو بررسی کنید

نتیجه ای که به من داد طولانی شد.پل هم که اضافه میکنم کلا دیگه مرورگر هیچ کاری نمیکنه.

ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 223; recommendation warn; host F6CD4DBF5850AC4386DD9A424918AD3C6BA2716F at
ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 224; recommendation warn; host 3CAE19138E4E025CFB42770075DAAAF8FA0A1439 at
ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:57:34 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:34.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:57:35 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:35.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 225; recommendation warn; host CBD00958A3B897774E333D75C24E6A75F5220DCC at
ژوئن 24 16:57:35 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:35.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:57:35 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:35.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:57:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:36.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 226; recommendation warn; host 61FA7E7C766577D76EBABF19330993DEFA8AF3C3 at
ژوئن 24 16:57:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:36.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:57:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:36.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:57:37 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:37.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 227; recommendation warn; host 9AF8B24D173DE688018A6BDD424FBE90676CCCC6 at
ژوئن 24 16:57:37 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:37.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:57:37 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:57:37.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:04 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:04.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 228; recommendation warn; host 5935A516784B11A425B6CF82C2740EE53A20C8E7 at
ژوئن 24 16:58:04 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:04.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:04 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:04.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:05 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:05.000 [warn] Failed to find node for hop #1 of our path. Discarding this circuit.
ژوئن 24 16:58:06 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:06.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 229; recommendation warn; host C4C9C332D25B3546BEF4E1250CF410E97EF996E6 at
ژوئن 24 16:58:06 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:06.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:06 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:06.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:07 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:07.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 230; recommendation warn; host 9C6FEB66EE241E43628F20360C79AA49BE5D073D at
ژوئن 24 16:58:07 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:07.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:07 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:07.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:08 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:08.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 231; recommendation warn; host 7961FF5A7B77DFA46721ABE5B8DCF5FBBE26EF7B at
ژوئن 24 16:58:08 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:08.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:08 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:08.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:09 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:09.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 232; recommendation warn; host 1C70C2AA7F3772CE07C4EF6B18A6E330150372EE at
ژوئن 24 16:58:09 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:09.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:09 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:09.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:58:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:36.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 233; recommendation warn; host B0553175AADB0501E5A61FC61CEA3970BE130FF2 at
ژوئن 24 16:58:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:36.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:58:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:58:36.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 234; recommendation warn; host 13557448AD1632BF080757C2FF7769BB23DF1DF3 at
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 235; recommendation warn; host 13557448AD1632BF080757C2FF7769BB23DF1DF3 at
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 16:59:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 16:59:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 236; recommendation warn; host 5BCC48732850A596D72A5B33D66711ECDA59BC7B at
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 237; recommendation warn; host 5BCC48732850A596D72A5B33D66711ECDA59BC7B at
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:00:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:00:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 238; recommendation warn; host C429A82B5932EBD50C7C81F6FD1414E59D412D5C at
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (Network is unreachable; NOROUTE; count 239; recommendation warn; host C429A82B5932EBD50C7C81F6FD1414E59D412D5C at
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn] 17 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:02:24 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:02:24.000 [warn]  17 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:05:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:19.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:20.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:29 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:29.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:31 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:31.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:32 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:32.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:33 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:33.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:36 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:36.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:37 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:37.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:38 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:38.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:39 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:39.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:42 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:42.000 [notice] Tried for 120 seconds to get a connection to [scrubbed]:443. Giving up. (waiting for circuit)
ژوئن 24 17:05:55 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:55.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 240; recommendation warn; host 3F65766ADE067D9D08920E3B74DAB9040EDD26B2 at
ژوئن 24 17:05:55 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:55.000 [warn] 18 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:05:55 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:05:55.000 [warn]  18 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:06:25 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:06:25.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 241; recommendation warn; host 3F65766ADE067D9D08920E3B74DAB9040EDD26B2 at
ژوئن 24 17:06:25 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:06:25.000 [warn] 19 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:06:25 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:06:25.000 [warn]  19 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 242; recommendation warn; host 7CD234DFEFE8F215EC9AE2BC1D2CAFC9E0D1CC00 at
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn] 20 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn]  20 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 243; recommendation warn; host 81A42E356C220F084B7EC8AB022EA9B4FE73E649 at
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn] 21 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:08:19 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:19.000 [warn]  21 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:08:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:20.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 244; recommendation warn; host C3777E3970FAC2C0CB2C4E166745A77650131304 at
ژوئن 24 17:08:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:20.000 [warn] 22 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:08:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:08:20.000 [warn]  22 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:13:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:13:20.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 245; recommendation warn; host C4C9C332D25B3546BEF4E1250CF410E97EF996E6 at
ژوئن 24 17:13:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:13:20.000 [warn] 23 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:13:20 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:13:20.000 [warn]  23 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:18:21 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:18:21.000 [warn] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 85%: Finishing handshake with first hop. (DONE; DONE; count 246; recommendation warn; host 9C6FEB66EE241E43628F20360C79AA49BE5D073D at
ژوئن 24 17:18:21 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:18:21.000 [warn] 24 connections have failed:
ژوئن 24 17:18:21 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:18:21.000 [warn]  24 connections died in state handshaking (TLS) with SSL state SSLv3/TLS write client hello in HANDSHAKE
ژوئن 24 17:21:13 yare systemd[1]: Stopping Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master)...
-- Subject: Unit tor.service has begun shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Unit tor.service has begun shutting down.
ژوئن 24 17:21:13 yare tor[4284]: Jun 24 17:21:13.000 [notice] Interrupt: exiting cleanly.
ژوئن 24 17:21:13 yare systemd[1]: Stopped Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master).
-- Subject: Unit tor.service has finished shutting down
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Unit tor.service has finished shutting down.
ژوئن 24 17:21:13 yare systemd[1]: Started Anonymizing overlay network for TCP (multi-instance-master).
-- Subject: Unit tor.service has finished start-up
-- Defined-By: systemd
-- Support: http://www.ubuntu.com/support
-- Unit tor.service has finished starting up.
-- The start-up result is RESULT.
ژوئن 24 17:21:13 yare tor[6297]: Jun 24 17:21:13.335 [notice] Tor 0.3.2
« آخرین ویرایش: 04 تیر 1398، 01:35 ب‌ظ توسط yare »

آفلاین yare

  • Newbie
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  • ارسال: 15
    • php
پاسخ : مشکل در تور
« پاسخ #8 : 05 تیر 1398، 11:13 ب‌ظ »
بعد از گذشت یک روز من هنوز مشکل دارم، کسی از دوستان راهنمایی نمیکنه؟به گروه تلگرام گنو/لینوکس تهران هم دسترسی ندارم، اگه میشه این تایپیک رو به اشتراک بگذارید.
