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برای من فقط نیم ثانیه طول میکشد.
553ms apport.service
515ms NetworkManager-wait-online.service
488ms systemd-journald.service
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از Man
systemd-networkd-wait-online.service, systemd-networkd-wait-online -
Wait for network to come online
systemd-networkd-wait-online is a one-shot system service that waits
for the network to be configured. By default, it will wait for all
links it is aware of and which are managed by systemd-
networkd.service(8) to be fully configured or failed, and for at least
one link to gain a carrier.
The following options are understood:
Fail the service if the network is not online by the time the
timeout elapses. A timeout of 0 disables the timeout. Defaults to
120 seconds.