این ایمیل از طرف Getdeb برای من آمده. گفتم بزارم شاید شما هم استفاده کنین. چیزه خوبیه:
Ubuntu Gutsy Gibson (7.10) is about to be released, this is the right time to start planning your upgrade.
It is strongly recommended to do a fresh install with the new release. Despite the great effort from the Ubuntu development team on the upgrades testing, there maybe specific customizations or installed packages that can partially break the upgrade process.
Fresh installs are much easier to perform if the data (/home) and the OS are not on the same partition, if the installation was done into a single partition, it is recommended to split it (
http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome). Backup is strongly recommended if you are going to perform partition changes.
If you don't have a separate home and still want to perform a fresh install, you must backup your data to an external media or to another disk, reinstall the system creating the recommended partitions and then restoring the data from your backup.
If you can not perform a fresh install and will need to do a distribution upgrade it is recommended that you remove all getdeb packages prior to the upgrade, you can remove all the getdeb packages following the procedure at
http://www.getdeb.net/docs/uninstall.pdf .
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