این روش :
man -t
As easy as it is to view man pages using a terminal program, sometimes it's necessary to print out a man page for easier reading and cogitation. Printing a man page isn't a one-step process, however, and the commands that round out this particular section are actually using principles that will be covered extensively later. But if you want to print out a man page, this is the way to do it. Just have faith that you'll understand what these commands mean more fully after reading upcoming chapters.
Let's say you have a printer that you have identified with the name hp_laserjet connected to your system. You want to print a man page about the ls command directly to that printer, so use the -t option (or --troff) and then pipe the output to the lpr command, identifying your printer with the -P option.
$ man -t ls | lpr -P hp_laserjet