نه دیگه! کل دوره درسی رو می خوام! طبق توضیحاتش چندین ویدیوی 5 تا 15 دقیقه ایه:
Logic: Language and Information 1
Workload: 6-8 hours/week
Subtitles Available In: English
consist of lecture videos, which are between 5 and 15 minutes in length
watch the lectures, read the notes, practice your skills, think, and discuss the material online with other people
یا کد مربوط به این لینک (
https://www.coursera.org/course/cdt208) چطور؟
./coursera-dl -u <EMAIL> -p <PASSWORD> cdt208
که مثل قبلی ارور زیر رو می ده:
Downloading class: cdt208
Starting new HTTPS connection (1): class.coursera.org
404 Client Error: Not Found
Could not find class: cdt208
اگر کد url عبارت cdt208 نیست پس چیه آخه
و این هم توضیحی که در گیتهاب داده و منظورش رو نمیفهمم:
Make sure the class name you are using corresponds to the resource name used in the URL for that class: https://class.coursera.org/<CLASS_NAME>/class/index
Note that many courses (most, perhaps?) may remove the materials after a little while after the course is completed, while other courses may retain the materials up to a next session/offering of the same course to avoid problems with academic dishonesty, apparently