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Geek Test Results
You are 62.5% geeky.
Not bad. Maybe you spend a little too much time with your computer, but at least you have friends. You do have friends, right?
The current average score is: 35.79%
Fact: 7.02% of people who took this test wear a bum-bag on holiday.
به جای Microsoft شما Canonical رو جایگزین کنید
البته اینو تاثیر دادم و دوتا از سوالات رو هم یه جواب دیگه دادم... نتیجش عوض شد
You are 87.5% geeky.
You're the ultimate geek. I'd write that in Klingon, but you'd probably correct my grammar. Get a girlfriend.
The current average score is: 35.77%
Fact: 44.01% of people who took this test admit to wearing a costume "just for fun".