سلام همونطور كه مي دونين نرم افزار پيكاسا محصول گوگل توانايي پيدا كردن تمام عكسهاي كامپيوتر شما رو دارد .
من هم داشتم همچين نرم افزار رئ پيدا مي كردم براي اوبونتو كه ديدم گوگل نسخه لينوكسي رو داده بيرون . طريقه نصبش هم اينطوري ! من كه از اين نرم افزار لذت ميبرم قدرت خوبي داره .
فايل سورستون رو اديت كنين و اين خط رو بهش اضافه كنين :
# Google Picasa for Linux repository
deb http://dl.google.com/linux/deb/ stable non-free
و با دستورات هميشگي زير نصبش كنين:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install picasa
اين هم نسخه دبيانش :
و اين هم مختصري راجع به نرم افزار :
Installing and running the software
What versions of Linux does Picasa support?
Picasa should run on any x86-compatible Linux system. We’ve tested it against the following Linux distributions:
* Debian Sarge
* Debian Etch
* Fedora Core 4
* Fedora Core 5
* Linspire 5
* Mandriva 2006
* Mandriva 2005
* Red Hat Workstation 3
* Red Hat Workstation
* Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)
* SuSE 9.3
* SuSE 10.0
Note that these distributions were up to date as of April 18, 2006 (the time of the testing), and that all tests were done under KDE and Gnome. Newer distributions may include changes that break Picasa. The SELinux features of Fedora Core are notorious for causing problems with programs like Picasa. If you have problems with Fedora Core, Running Picasa with SELinux enabled may cause problems. You may want to invoke this command: setenforce 0
Q: Will Picasa run on a 64-bit version of Linux?
Yes, but you’ll need to configure the system to provide 32-bit compatibility libraries.
Please refer to your Linux distribution’s help information for more on how to establish those libraries. On Debian, they come in a package called ia32-libs.
With what file types does Picasa for Linux work?
Picasa for Linux works with the following file types:
Images -- JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG, PSD, TIF
RAW data files, including but not limited to cameras from Canon, Nikon, Kodak, Minolta and Pentax.
What's different between the Windows version of Picasa and Picasa for Linux?
There are a few differences:
* Picasa for Linux is currently available only in the U.S., with an English interface.
* Google's Hello photo-messaging application is Windows only, so it’s not currently integrated with Picasa for Linux.
* CD burning isn’t supported in Picasa for Linux. The button will be grayed out in the interface. The CD-ROM-burning library used by Picasa uses a Windows driver that’s not easy to support on Wine.
* Similarly, the backup feature is not supported.
* There’s currently no Export to TiVo® feature.