انجمن‌های فارسی اوبونتو

لطفاً به انجمن‌ها وارد شده و یا جهت ورود ثبت‌نام نمائید

لطفاً جهت ورود نام کاربری و رمز عبورتان را وارد نمائید

نویسنده موضوع: من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید (حل شد)  (دفعات بازدید: 6523 بار)

0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال مشاهده موضوع.

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
سلام دوستان
میدونم خیلی در این مورد بحث شده ولی من هنوز که هنوزه نتونستم دوباره از تور استفاده کنم
حقیقتش خیلی با خودم کلنجار رفتم که این تاپیک رو نزنم ولی واقعا نمیتونم

من هرچیزی رو که توریزه میکنم یا خیلی معمولی بالا میاد و کار نمیکنه
یا توی ترمینال مینویسه :
6:37:24 libtorsocks(3537): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
اون چیزی که با جست و جوی خطا بدست آوردم این بود که ظاهرا یه باگه قدیمیه که رفع شده

این هم محتوی ی /etc/tor/torrc ( خیلی تغییرش دادم و کار نداد ) :
UseBridges 1
Bridge obfs2
Bridge obfs2
Bridge obfs2

ClientTransportPlugin obfs3 exec /usr/bin/obfsproxy --managed
ویکی و تمام پست های این انجمن و چندتا وبلاگ دیگه رو هم خوندم و با وجود تفاوت های جزئی ، باز هم تفاوتی نکرد

دوستام جایی اشتباه کردم ؟
پیشاپیش ممنون

پ.ن : از باندل هم نمیخوام استفاده کنم ولی کار میکنه
« آخرین ویرایش: 04 شهریور 1393، 10:03 ب‌ظ توسط Minion »
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2


  • High Sr. Member
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  • ارسال: 506
  • :(
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #1 : 03 شهریور 1393، 05:27 ب‌ظ »
torsocks رو دوباره نصب کن احتمالا درست میشه...
من این مشکل رو وقتی یه نرم افزار بی ربط رو توریفی میکنم برام پیش میاد
چندین بار میاد یا فقط یک ارور رو میده؟
زیر اون چند بار یه ارور متفاوت نیومد؟
اون ارور دومیه چی بود؟

آفلاین دانیال بهزادی

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 19687
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Urahara Kiesuke
    • وبلاگ
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #2 : 03 شهریور 1393، 08:20 ب‌ظ »
پل‌هایی که در torrc دادی obfs2 هستن، ولی داری برنامه‌ی obf3 رو فراخوانی می‌کنی در خط آخرش!
اگه این ارسال بهت کمک کرد، دنبال دکمهٔ تشکر نگرد. به جاش تو هم به جامعهٔ آزادت کمک کن

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #3 : 03 شهریور 1393، 09:20 ب‌ظ »
پل‌هایی که در torrc دادی obfs2 هستن، ولی داری برنامه‌ی obf3 رو فراخوانی می‌کنی در خط آخرش!
درسته ممنون
ولی کار نکرد (هر دو حالت رو آزمایش کردم)

پ.ن : وقتی فایرفاکس رو توریزه میکنم همون ارروری که در بالا گفتم رو میده

چیزی که متوجه شدم ، پیغامی بود که بعد از بستن فایرفاکس در ترمینال ظاهر میشد :
1408985185394   FirefoxAccounts ERROR   error POSTing /certificate/sign: {"error":{},"message":null,"code":null,"errno":null}
1408985185395   FirefoxAccounts ERROR   HAWK.signCertificate error: {"error":{},"message":null,"code":null,"errno":null}
1408985185395   Sync.BrowserIDManager   ERROR   Non-authentication error in _fetchTokenForUser: null
1408985185396   Sync.BrowserIDManager   ERROR   Background fetch for key bundle failed: [object Object]
1408985185396   Sync.BrowserIDManager   ERROR   Could not authenticate: [object Object]
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2

آفلاین دانیال بهزادی

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 19687
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Urahara Kiesuke
    • وبلاگ
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #4 : 03 شهریور 1393، 09:23 ب‌ظ »
نباید فایرفاکس رو torify کنی، از افزونه‌ی foxyproxy standard برای استفاده از تور روی فایرفاکس استفاده کن. خودش یه tor wizard هم داره که امکان اشتباه رو کم‌تر می‌کنه
اگه این ارسال بهت کمک کرد، دنبال دکمهٔ تشکر نگرد. به جاش تو هم به جامعهٔ آزادت کمک کن

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #5 : 03 شهریور 1393، 10:12 ب‌ظ »
نباید فایرفاکس رو torify کنی، از افزونه‌ی foxyproxy standard برای استفاده از تور روی فایرفاکس استفاده کن. خودش یه tor wizard هم داره که امکان اشتباه رو کم‌تر می‌کنه
باید به قسمت proxy host or ip address همون پل های تور رو بدیم ؟
اگه آره > من این کار رو کردم و جواب نداد ( به شکل آبی دراومد و هیچ سایتی ،حتی همین انجمن، رو باز نمیکنه )
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2

آفلاین دانیال بهزادی

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 19687
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Urahara Kiesuke
    • وبلاگ
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #6 : 03 شهریور 1393، 10:14 ب‌ظ »
باید به قسمت proxy همون پل های تور رو بدیم ؟
اگه آره > من این کار رو کردم و جواب نداد ( به شکل آبی دراومد و هیچ سایتی ،حتی همین انجمن، رو باز نمیکنه )

نه، آی‌پی و درگاه 9050 به صورت socks. خود tor-wizard فاکسی‌پراکسی این‌ها رو به صورت پیش‌فرض انجام می‌ده
اگه این ارسال بهت کمک کرد، دنبال دکمهٔ تشکر نگرد. به جاش تو هم به جامعهٔ آزادت کمک کن

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #7 : 03 شهریور 1393، 10:22 ب‌ظ »
باید به قسمت proxy همون پل های تور رو بدیم ؟
اگه آره > من این کار رو کردم و جواب نداد ( به شکل آبی دراومد و هیچ سایتی ،حتی همین انجمن، رو باز نمیکنه )

نه، آی‌پی و درگاه 9050 به صورت socks. خود tor-wizard فاکسی‌پراکسی این‌ها رو به صورت پیش‌فرض انجام می‌ده
ممنون درست شد
خیلی خیلی ممنونم

فقط سوال آخرم میمونه که اگه لطف کنید جواب بدید ، ممنونتون میشم
برای بقیه ی نرم افزارها چه کار کنم
مثلا یه نرم افزار هست که باید از هیلترینگ عبور داده بشه
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2

آفلاین امیرحسین گودرزی

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 743
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Devops engineer and AI enthusiastic
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #8 : 04 شهریور 1393، 03:08 ق‌ظ »
گاها برنامه‌ها توی تنظیماتشون یه گزینه‌ای به اسم پراکسی دارن که می‌تونی از طریق اون اقدام کنی که آدرس رو و پورت رو 9050  بزاری
به شخصه من برای برنامه‌هایی که قابلیت پاکسی ندارن ، از برنامه‌ای به اسم proxychains استفاده می‌کنم
بعد نصبش فایل زیر
/etc/proxychains.confرُ ویرایش کن و ته تهش آدرس و پورت رو بر اساس تور تغییر بده (در حالت پیشفرض برای استفاده از تور تنظیم شده اما یه چک بکنیش بد نیست)
بعدش توی ترمینال این جوری بیارش بالا
$ proxychains [app-command[
« آخرین ویرایش: 04 شهریور 1393، 09:38 ب‌ظ توسط Numb »

آفلاین mohsen-rashidi

  • High Sr. Member
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  • ارسال: 646
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Hacker`s Emblem
    • اینجا خانه محسن است
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #9 : 04 شهریور 1393، 08:36 ق‌ظ »
باید به قسمت proxy همون پل های تور رو بدیم ؟
اگه آره > من این کار رو کردم و جواب نداد ( به شکل آبی دراومد و هیچ سایتی ،حتی همین انجمن، رو باز نمیکنه )

نه، آی‌پی و درگاه 9050 به صورت socks. خود tor-wizard فاکسی‌پراکسی این‌ها رو به صورت پیش‌فرض انجام می‌ده
ممنون درست شد
خیلی خیلی ممنونم

فقط سوال آخرم میمونه که اگه لطف کنید جواب بدید ، ممنونتون میشم
برای بقیه ی نرم افزارها چه کار کنم
مثلا یه نرم افزار هست که باید از هیلترینگ عبور داده بشه

من از ویدالیا استفاده می‌کنم:

آفلاین mrmrn

  • High Hero Member
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  • ارسال: 1490
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • آقا مرتضی
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #10 : 04 شهریور 1393، 08:54 ق‌ظ »
نباید فایرفاکس رو torify کنی، از افزونه‌ی foxyproxy standard برای استفاده از تور روی فایرفاکس استفاده کن. خودش یه tor wizard هم داره که امکان اشتباه رو کم‌تر می‌کنه
من این مشکل رو با توریزه کردن بش دارم.
mahdi@mahdi-SVP13212SFBI ~ % torify bash
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
mahdi@mahdi-SVP13212SFBI ~ %
من دقیقا نفهمیدم دوستمون چه کار کرد تا حل شد ولی صرفا بتونم وبگردی کنم برام بسه.بش رو برای مثال توریزه کردمو
پدرم به رحمت خدا رفتن. شادی روحش صلوات.

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #11 : 04 شهریور 1393، 09:53 ق‌ظ »
گاها برنامه‌ها توی تنظیماتشون یه گزینه‌ای به اسم پراکسی دارن که می‌تونی از طریق اون اقدام کنی که آدرس رو و پورت رو 9050  بزاری
به شخصه من برای برنامه‌هایی که قابلیت پاکسی ندارن ، از برنامه‌ای به اسم proxychains استفاده می‌کنم
بعد نصبش فایل زیر
/etc/proxychains.confرُ ویرایش کن و ته تهش آدرس و پورت رو بر اساس تور تغییر بده (در حالت پیشفرض برای استفاده از تور تنظیم شده اما یه چک بکنیش بد نیست)
بعدش توی ترمینال این جوری بیارش بالا
$ proxychains [app-command[
دقیقا چه چیزی به آخر فایل اضافه کنم ؟
چون اینطور که خوندم یه چیزی توی این مایه ها بود :

http+IP+UserName+PassWord+Portکه انگار برای وی**پی**ٔN هست
برای تور چه کنم ؟

من از ویدالیا استفاده می‌کنم:
حتما آزمایشش میکنم
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #12 : 04 شهریور 1393، 09:54 ق‌ظ »
نباید فایرفاکس رو torify کنی، از افزونه‌ی foxyproxy standard برای استفاده از تور روی فایرفاکس استفاده کن. خودش یه tor wizard هم داره که امکان اشتباه رو کم‌تر می‌کنه
من این مشکل رو با توریزه کردن بش دارم.
mahdi@mahdi-SVP13212SFBI ~ % torify bash
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9495): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9497): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9498): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9493): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9500): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9502): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9503): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9505): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9507): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9509): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9510): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9511): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9514): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9516): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9517): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9518): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9520): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_query() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_query() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_search() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_search() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found
08:51:52 libtorsocks(9521): WARNING: The symbol res_querydomain() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!
  Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_querydomain() with the reported error: Not Found
mahdi@mahdi-SVP13212SFBI ~ %
من دقیقا نفهمیدم دوستمون چه کار کرد تا حل شد ولی صرفا بتونم وبگردی کنم برام بسه.بش رو برای مثال توریزه کردمو
راستش هنوز حل نشده
فقط صورت مسئله رو پاک کردم و به پیشنهاد آقای بهزادی دارم از فاکسی پراکسی استفاده میکنم
ولی برای توریزه کردم هنوز مشکل دارم
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2

آفلاین دانیال بهزادی

  • ناظر انجمن
  • *
  • ارسال: 19687
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • Urahara Kiesuke
    • وبلاگ
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #13 : 04 شهریور 1393، 02:39 ب‌ظ »
به جای توریزه کردن برنامه‌ها می‌تونید با استفاده از چیزی مثل polipo تور رو تبدیل به پارکسی http کنید و بعد از اون استفاده کنید که این‌جا توضیح داده شده: http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/Tor
اگه این ارسال بهت کمک کرد، دنبال دکمهٔ تشکر نگرد. به جاش تو هم به جامعهٔ آزادت کمک کن

آفلاین abedzadeh

  • High Hero Member
  • *
  • ارسال: 1597
  • جنسیت : پسر
  • aliila
پاسخ : من هنوز با تور مشکل دارم ! لطفا کمک کنید
« پاسخ #14 : 04 شهریور 1393، 04:25 ب‌ظ »
به جای توریزه کردن برنامه‌ها می‌تونید با استفاده از چیزی مثل polipo تور رو تبدیل به پارکسی http کنید و بعد از اون استفاده کنید که این‌جا توضیح داده شده: http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/Tor
ببخشید میشه یکمی بیشتر توضیح بدید ؟
من از اون قسمت ویکی هیچی نفهمیدم  :oops:
به گروه کاربران اوبونتوی ایرانی در جامعه ی استیم بپیوندید
بازی های تحت پوشش : Dota2