این پیشنیازهای مدرک LFCE هستش که تقریبا چیزی هست که برای یک Sysadmin شدن لازم دارید:
Network administration
Configure network services to start automatically at boot
Implement packet filtering
Monitor network performance
Produce and deliver reports on system use, outages and user requests
Route IP traffic statically and dynamically
Troubleshoot network issues
Network filesystems and file services
Configure systems to mount standard, encrypted and network file systems on demand
Create, mount and unmount standard Linux file systems
Provide/configure network shares via NFS
Transfer files securely via the network
Update packages from the network, a repository or the local file system
Network security
Configure Apache log files
Configure the firewall with iptables
Install and configure SSL with Apache
Remote access
Configure the firewall with iptables
HTTP services
Configure an http client to automatically use a proxy server
Install and configure an Apache web server
Install and configure the Squid proxy server
Restrict access to a web page with Apache
Restrict access to the Squid proxy server
Setting up name-based virtual web hosts
Email services
Configure email aliases
Install and configure an IMAP and IMAPS service
Install and configure an smtp service
Restrict access to an smtp server
علاوه بر اینها، موارد دیگهای هم بسته به اینکه کجا و چه کاری انجام میدید، لازمه. مثلا چیزی که زیاد استفاده میشه LDAP هستش، همچنین سیستمهایی مثل Puppet.