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با امن ترین سیستم عامل دنیا آشنا شوید(Qubes OS)
اینکار رو خودمون هم می تونیم انجام بدیم!چند تا اوبونتو در یک ویرچوالباکس!
Lee: What sort of security tools are you currently excited about? What are you finding interesting?Snowden: I’ll just namecheck Qubes here, just because it’s interesting. I’m really excited about Qubes because the idea of VM-separating machines, requiring expensive, costly sandbox escapes to get persistence on a machine, is a big step up in terms of burdening the attacker with greater resource and sophistication requirements for maintaining a compromise. I’d love to see them continue this project. I’d love to see them make it more accessible and much more secure. [You can read more about how to use Qubes here and here.]Something that we haven’t seen that we need to see is a greater hardening of the overall kernels of every operating system through things like grsecurity [a set of patches to improve Linux security], but unfortunately there’s a big usability gap between the capabilities that are out there, that are possible, and what is attainable for the average user.
نقلقول با امن ترین سیستم عامل دنیا آشنا شوید(Qubes OS) با امن ترین سیستم عامل؟! منظورت امن ترین سیستم عامل بود دیگه؟!بعدش هم فکر میکنم به این راحتی نمیگفت یک سیستم عامل امن ترینه!