به شما گفتن این دستور رو بزن:
sudo ./namebarname.run
ولی شما به /. قبل اسم فایل توجه نکردی.
این دستوری هست که باید اجرا کنی:
sudo ./TeamSpeak3-Client-linux_amd64-
در ضمن برای قرار دادن دستورات و یا نتایج اونها در متن از تَگ کُد که به شکل # و در بالای کادر ارسال پاسخ قرار داره استفاده کنید.
شرمنده نصفهی اولش رو آقای علیرضا زحمتش رو کشیده بودن
شرمنده شما رو هم کلافه کردم ولی باز مشکلم حل نشد بعد زدن دستوری که گفتین ۱ صفحه توضیحات برنامه برام میاد نمیدونم چیکار کنم
# Framework license agreement for the installation of the TeamSpeak client
This License Agreement ("Agreement") is effective between "you", the person or c
ompany who/which is using software branded TeamSpeak, developed by TeamSpeak Sys
tems GmbH ("TeamSpeak"), and TeamSpeak Systems GmbH (Germany) with installation
of the TeamSpeak client.
## I. Definitions
1. "Standard Software" means the object code of the TeamSpeak voice communicat
ion software version 3.x (binary executable), and all previous versions, both cl
ient and server, which is provided by TeamSpeak, including all standard software
enhancements, upgrades or updates, which you will receive if and when they are made available.
2. "Licensed Material" refers to the standard software, all documentation components included with the standard software and other information that TeamSpeak provides together with the license for the standard software.
3. "Client" refers to the TeamSpeak standard software which connects to the TeamSpeak server software via computer network or the Internet. The client therefore usually runs on the end user's computer. A client can connect to one or more servers at the same time. Multiple clients communicate with each other by routing the communication data through the server, which distributes them to other clients