از اون مراحل 5 گانه عبور کردم حالا رسیدم به بخش بعدی که ابتداش این دستور میشه
1. Modify the users .login file to include the following:
# Setup for Micro Magic CAD tools
setenv MMI_TOOLS <install_dir>/mmi
set path=(${MMI_TOOLS}/bin.sparc-solaris2 $path)
This needs to be done for each user. A better method is to create
a common file, <cad_setup>, and add the above lines, to it. You
can also add the setup for other cad tools used at your site.
Each users .login will then need to include only the following:
# setup cad tools
source <cad_setup>
If you use a common <cad_setup> file, when you add setup for new
tools or make site wide modifications to the setup, you only need
to change this one file. Also you will know that setup is
consistent and up-to-date for all your users.