زیر خاکی می کشی بیرون ؟ :دی
اینم آخرین مصاحبه چتی با لینوس :دی
گفته به توزیع خاصی وابسته نیست و توزیع های مختلفی استفاده می کنه
ولی در حال حاضر ، رو بیشتر سیستم ها از فدورا ۹ استفاده می کنه :دی
آخرشم گفته از دبیان خوشش نمیاد ولی از اوبونتو خوشش میاد
و میگه قبول دارم که ساده هست ولی هیچ دلیلی ندارم که به سمتشون برم
برداشت بد نکنید فقط خبر بود دیگه :دی
فقط خواستم بگم یک طرفه به قاضی نرید
فدورا ۹ یکی از بهترین نسخه های فدورا بعد از فدورا ۴ هست ( من از فدورا ۴ هم بهتر می دونمش :دی)
در ضمن گفته چون نیاز تکنیکالی داره و استفادش از برنامه های خاصی و کرنل بیشتر هست توزیع های تکنیکی رو ترجیح میده
اوه راستی یادم رفت :دی اسمایلی بدجنسی تر از بدجنسی قبلی :دی
'Which Linux distro do you use? '
'I've used different distributions over the years. Right now I happen to use Fedora 9 on most of the computers I have, which really boils down to the fact that Fedora had fairly good support for PowerPC back when I used that, so I grew used to it. But I actually don't care too much about the distribution, as long as it makes it easy to install and keep reasonably up-to-date. I care about the kernel and a few programs, and the set of programs I really care about is actually fairly small.
And when it comes to distributions, ease of installation has actually been one of my main issues - I'm a technical person, but I have a very specific area of interest, and I don't want to fight the rest. So the only distributions I have actively avoided are the ones that are known to be "overly technical" - like the ones that encourage you to compile your own programs etc.
Yeah, I can do it, but it kind of defeats the whole point of a distribution for me. So I like the ones that have a name of being easy to use. I've never used plain Debian, for example, but I like Ubuntu. And before Debian people attack me - yeah, I know, I know, it's supposedly much simpler and easier to install these days. But it certainly didn't use to be, so I never had any reason to go for it. '