0 کاربر و 1 مهمان درحال مشاهده موضوع.
من واسه پروژه ام باید با زبان جاوا برنامه ای بنویسم که شباهت 2 کدبرنامه نویسی رو بهم بگه . میشه راهنماییم کنید؟
diff compares the contents of the from-file and to-file. A file name of - (dash) stands for text read from the standard input.If from-file is a directory and to-file is not, diff com- pares the file in from-file whose file name is that of to- file, and vice versa.If both from-file and to-file are directories, diff com- pares corresponding files in both directories in alpha- betical order.