این راه حلی که خیلی از جاهایی که این مشکل طرح شده بود با این روش مشکل رو حل کردن
Many people like to use "Start" menus for many reasons (New to Linux from windows, convenience, and NOT wearing out the right clicker on a laptop).
I needed a menu button in my panel for the last reason stated above, but I fif not want to have to install XFCE4 panel, or lxpanel. I wanted something I could use with tint2, such as the existing OpenBox menu. So after an hour or so, I came up with a solution.
In order to open the menu, we need to simulate a right click or super key+space.
xdotool does the trick. (less than 200KB)
We create a .desktop file that executes xdotool super+space.
Add launcher (.desktop) to tint2 config.
When you click on the icon, xdotool simulates a super+space, and the menu open up where the mouse cursor is.
Do it:
First we need to install xdotool
sudo apt-get install xdotool
Once done, test it. A menu should pop up
xdotool key super+space
Now we have to create a . desktop file in /usr/share/applications called menu.desktop.
gksudo geany /usr/share/applications/menu.desktop
Once open, paste the following in and save
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tint2 Openbox Menu
Comment=Tint2 Openbox Menu Hack
X-GNOME-FullName=Openbox Menu
Exec=xdotool key super+space
Open your tint2 config and make sure Launchers are enabled
# Panel
panel_monitor = all
panel_position = bottom center horizontal
#Make sure that "L" is directly below.
panel_items = LTSC
panel_size = 100% 30
panel_margin = 0 -1
Now locate the Launchers and add:
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/menu.desktop
It should look something like this:
# Each launcher_item_app must be a full path to a .desktop file
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/menu.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/terminator.desktop
launcher_item_app = /usr/share/applications/iceweasel.desktop
Now restart tint2, and you should see a "diamond with gears."
When you click the icon, the Openbox menu will popup, and your set.
مشکل اینجاست که کلید های super+space تو سیستم من فعال نیستن! هیچ اتفاقی نمیافته!