به نام خدا
من می خواهم ies4linux رو نصب کنم موقع نصب یعنی وقتی دستور ies4linux/. رو می زنم به من میگه:
IEs4Linux 2 is developed to be used with recent Wine versions (0.9.x). It seems that you are using an old version. It's recommended that you update your wine to the latest version (Go to: winehq.com).
You are root! This is very discouraged! IE is too insecure for you to give him root access.
Want a tip from a friend? Run ies4linux as your normal user or, what's better, if you can, create a separate user just do handle your IEs.
وقتی هم که پنجره نصب باز می شه و دکمه OK رو می زنم این ارور رو میده:
IEs4Linux will:
- Install Internet Explorers: 6.0
- Using IE locale: EN-US
- Install Adobe Flash 9.0
- Install everything at: /home/mahdi/.ies4linux
[ OK ]
Downloading everything we need
Downloading from microsoft.com:
0% DCOM98.EXE!! An error ocurred when downloading. Please run IEs4Linux again. Corrupted file: DCOM98.EXE
البته من wine نسخه جدید اونو هم (فایل deb اونو از اینترنت گرفتم نسخه 1.1.14 که فکر کنم آخرین نسخه باشه) نصب کرده ام .
فایل cabextract رو هم نصبه چون وقتی می خوام نصب کنم می گه:
mahdi@mahdi-desktop:~/Desktop/ies4linux-$ sudo apt-get install cabextract
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
cabextract is already the newest version.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
linux-headers-2.6.24-19-generic linux-headers-2.6.24-19
Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.