روی آی آرسی networking## موضوع رو به بحث گذاشتم اما از اصطلاحات فنی مانند Switch/Teaming/... چیزی متوجه نشدم. متن مکالمه رو اینجا قرار می دهم. لطفا اگر از توضیحاتی که می دهند شما چیزی متوجه شدید بگید که برای تجمیع دو خط تلفن چه کاری باید انجام دهم:
Me: Is it possible to connect 2 phone lines to one modem/router
grawity: if it has two phone line ports
Me: No, It doesn't have
Me: If I buy two modem cards, then can I bundle them internally within the OS (here linux) to manipulate a router into the OS
grawity: I think so. though make sure they actually support DSL. as a 'modem card' sounds like an actual dial-up modem
detha: if by 'modem card' you mean something like
http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/ios/12_2/12_2z/12_2zj/feature/guide/adslwan.html, yes. PC No, two ADSL modems (or modem/routers in bridge)
jholtom: dsl lines for a single router
Me: yep
jholtom: fail-over or teaming that can be done pretty easy with a linux box (like a computer that runs linux). You need two modem/dsl cards and a ethernet port. Grap pppd and friends: ip-tools, dhcpd and bind. You should be set
Me: two modem/dsl cards on motherboard
jholtom: nah, pci expansion
Me: Isn't there any dedicated device
jholtom: probably, but using a computer is cheaper imho
Me: Summary: Line1(1MB/s) + Line2(2MB/s) = 3MB/s
jholtom: so you would probably want to fail those over or team them to get 3 MB/s. you'll also learn more
Me: I want to get 3 MB/s for download
jholtom: yeah, just team them
jholtom: so, do you have an extra linux machine running around
Me: I can buy a raspberry Pi
jholtom: raspberry pi wouldn't work for these purposes sadly
jholtom: go buy two cheap modem cards. I imagine you already have a WAP and a switch you can use. Install pfsense or something on the linux machine. It makes it super duper easy
jholtom: plug in the dsl lines
jholtom: plug the ethernet port on the machine into your switch/WAP
jholtom: go through pfsense's config
jholtom: profig
jholtom: *profit
jholtom: feel free to ask more qeustions. I was pretty vague
Me: jholtom, currently I have an ethernet port on the motherboard
jholtom: yeah, so all you need is the 2 modem cards, unless you already have one built in
Me: please check are these correct
Me: 1. I should buy 2 dialup modem cards
Me: 2. Connecting phone lines to these 2 cards
Me: 3. a network cable between x and y: Is x my ADSL modem device; Is y the port on motherboard, Network card
jholtom: If you use that router as a switch, yes. if you do it like I have suggested you no longer need a router
jholtom: your linux machine is the router. the network cable goes from the new linux machine to a switch/wireless access point