سایت دیسترواچ، از distrowatch.com به distrowatch.org منتقل شده.
دستت درد نکنه هی چک میکردم میدیدم بستس آخه هر روز 10 بار بهش سر میزنم کل هیجان زندگی منه
دامینش دزدیده شده یا مشکل دیگه پیش اومده ؟ اگه دامین دست خودشون بود که ریدایرکت میکردن نه این که اینجوری یوهو عوض بشه
DistroWatch.com domain name status
As many of you noticed, the distrowatch.com domain name was suspended by the domain's registrar, Doteasy, last Sunday. I don't want to go into details about what exactly happened as it's a long and boring story. Suffice to say that I feel grossly aggrieved by the series of greedy and even malicious actions taken by Doteasy and as soon as I get this sorted out, I will be looking into transferring the distrowatch.com domain name to another registrar. If any of you have a recommendation for a good registrar (preferably with customer support personnel that is competent), please let me know in the comments section below or send me an email.
میخوان دامین رو منتقل کنن به ثبت کننده دیگه و خواسته اگه جای خوب سراغ داریم معرفی کنیم
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