سلامی دوباره من انتظار دارم جوابمو ازاین سایت وشما دوستان گرامی بگیرم پس تمنا دارم کمک کنید
خودم ازاین سر در نمیارم وعاجزانه ازشم کمک میخوام متن زیر همراه درایور بود
Most of the steps require root access to the Ubuntu system and basic knowledge of Linux system. Create directory, for example /root/tbs and copy the following file to it:
- dvb-fe-cx24116.fw (CX24116 DVB-S2 Demodulator firmware)
- linux-tbs-all.tar.bz2 (source code of S2API Linix drivers for TBS products)
- szap-s2.tar.bz2 (szap tool compatible with new DVB-S2 aware S2 API for Linux)
- scan-s2.tar.bz2 (scan tool compatible with new DVB-S2 aware S2 API for Linux)
- astra_szap-s2.conf (example configuration file for szap-s2 with only few transponders from Astra 19.2E satellite)
- astra_scan-s2.conf (example configuration file for scan-s2 with only few transponders from Astra 19.2E satellite)
from now on all step are executed in /root/tbs, i.e. "cd /root/tbs" unless it's stated otherwise.
I. install the CX24116 firmware file "dvb-fe-cx24116.fw" to /lib/firmware/:
mv dvb-fe-cx24116.fw /lib/firmware/
II. build, install and load S2API Linix drivers for TBS6920 and TBS8920 cards
II.0 (optional in case packages aren't already installed) install prerequisite packages using Ubuntu package manager:
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
apt-get install linux-kernel-devel
II.1 extract linux-tbs-all.tar.bz2 archive:
tar xjvf linux-tbs-all.tar.bz2
II.2 go to driver source code directory:
cd linux-tbs-all/
II.3 build and install the driver:
II.4 make && make install
II.5 reboot in order to load the newly installed driver:
shutdown -r now
II.6 after reboot check that the newly installed driver is loaded correctly:
(for TBS 6920 only)
dmesg | grep cx23885
if everything is OK, the output from the above command should be similar to:
cx23885 driver version 0.0.1 loaded
cx23885 0000:04:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 32 (level, low) -> IRQ 32
CORE cx23885[0]: subsystem: 6920:8888, board: TurboSight TBS 6920 [card=14,autodetected]
cx23885_dvb_register() allocating 1 frontend(s)
cx23885[0]: cx23885 based dvb card
DVB: registering new adapter (cx23885[0])
cx23885_dev_checkrevision() Hardware revision = 0xb0
cx23885[0]/0: found at 0000:04:00.0, rev: 2, irq: 32, latency: 0, mmio: 0xdc000000
cx23885 0000:04:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
(for TBS 8920 only)
dmesg | grep cx88
III. here are some basic instructions how to test locking to transponder with "szap-s2":
III.1 extract "szap-s2.tar.bz2" archive:
# tar xjvf szap-s2.tar.bz2
III.2 go to szap-s2 source code directory:
# cd szap-s2
III.3 build szap-s2:
# make
III.4 szap-s2 uses configuration files (see configuration file "astra_szap-s2.conf" for example) - they are simple text files and each line of them contains information about a channel, for example:
this means:
- channel name is BBC, you can choose whatever you want for channel name, it's just a text string
- channel frequency is 11597MHz
- transponder polarization is V(ertical)
- 0: use first LNB (if you have only one LNB, it's always 0, if you have DiSEqC switch and several LNBs connected to that switch it could be number greater than 0 and showing which LNB to use, i.e. to which DiSEqC switch port desired LNB is connected)
- 22000: symbol rate
- 163: Video PID (VPID)
- 92: Audio PID
- 10050: Service ID (SID)
the example is for "BBC World" channel on Astra 19.2E satellite. you can find all those numbers for example here:
http://www.lyngsat.com/astra19.htmlIII.5 write your szap-s2 configuration files (or create one using S2API compatible version of the "scan" tool)
III.6 use szap-s2 examples:
- to lock to DVB-S transponder: ./szap-s2 -c astra_szap-s2.conf -p -r -S 0 "BBC"
- to lock to DVB-S2: ./szap-s2 -c sample.conf -p -r -S 1 -M 5 -C 23 "CHAN_NAME"
where "-S 1" is DVB-S2, "-M 5" is 8PSK modulation, "-C 23" is FEC 2/3
IV. here are some basic instructions how to scan transponder with "scan-s2":
IV.1 extract "scan-s2.tar.bz2" archive:
# tar xjvf scan-s2.tar.bz2
IV.2 go to scan-s2 source code directory:
# cd scan-s2
IV.3 build scan-s2:
# make
IV.4 scan-s2 uses configuration files (see configuration file "astra_scan-s2.conf" for example) - they are simple text files and each line of them contains information about a transponder, for example:
S1 11778000 V 27500000 3/4 35 QPSK
S2 11362000 H 22000000 2/3 35 8PSK
- "S1" or "S2" indicates the delivery system, i.e. either DVB-S or DVB-S2
- second parameter is the frequency, in our example respectively 11778000 kHz or 11362000 kHz
- "V" or "H" indicates that the polarization: V(ertical) or H(orizontal)
- 5th parameter is the FEC value, in our example respectively 3/4 or 2/3
- the next parameter is the Roll-off factor, "35" in our example
- and the last parameter is the modulation, in our example respectively QPSK or 8PSK
the Roll-off factor and the modulation are mandatory for DVB-S2 cards and without them the result is just unpredictable, most probably - no lock. the reason for that is that DVB-S2 supports several modulation like QPSK, 8PSK, etc and 3 Roll-off factors : 0.20, 0.25, 0.35 (respectively 20, 25, 35 in the configuration file). DVB-S supports only one Roll-off factor - 0.35 and so for DVB-S transponders Roll-off factor is always 35 in the configuration file
IV.5 write your scan-s2 configuration files
IV.6 use scan-s2 to scan a tranposnder